Monday, July 20, 2015

Book Review: Chaos (Guards of the Shadowlands #3) by Sarah Fine

With Juri in control and everything in absolute chaos, Lela plunges into the depths of hell to free Malachi from creatures that have waited decades to exact their revenge. But the Judge has her own way of doing things, and Lela must work with Ana, the new Captain, who has a very personal mission of her own. Together, they infiltrate the most horrifying realm either has yet encountered in the Shadowlands—the bitter landscape ruled by the Mazikin.
The stakes could not be higher, and Lela must accept the help—and love—of people she barely knows or trusts. As alliances and loyalties shift and she realizes the soul she came to save isn’t the only one in need of rescue, can Lela summon the strength to see the fight through to the very end?

Oh dear, I've finished another series. 
I loved this series, so it's even sadder to see it end. Hopefully more people will read it and it will cause just as much pain to them as it did for me. That's what marks a great book- emotional turmoil.

Ah, sweet, sweet pain.
While this book did the rest of the series justice and gave me an ending that was very, very generous; it felt a little too fast-paced for me. I would've enjoyed a break between each monkey wrench thrown into each plan. It would have been nice to calm down and think everything is going fine only to realize you have about a hundred pages left. 
But maybe I'm just a cruel sadist. 
This series is one of my favorite for many reasons.
1. It has a POC (person of color) as the protagonist and it's not catered to or ignored. She's just not white, nothing crazy.
2. The story was wonderful and highly imaginative. 
3. Character development from book to book was extraordinary. Even development in each book was amazing. You have to keep reminding yourself that these aren't real people. 
4. It displays what it's like to have PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) without the protagonist being magically cured when she falls in love or conquers her fear. It's a constant battle that is shown throughout the books.
It's just a great book, a great series and a great story.
Highly recommended for those who want a captivating adventure story. 

Read: May 2015
My Rating: 5 stars / 5 stars

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