Saturday, March 28, 2015

Book Review: Existence by Abbi Glines


What happens when you're stalked by Death? You fall in love with him, of course.

Pagan Moore doesn't cheat Death, but instead, falls in love with him.

Seventeen year old Pagan Moore has seen souls her entire life. Once she realized the strangers she often saw walking through walls were not visible to anyone else, she started ignoring them. If she didn't let them know she could see them, then they left her alone. Until she stepped out of her car the first day of school and saw an incredibly sexy guy lounging on a picnic table, watching her with an amused smirk on his face. Problem is, she knows he's dead.

Not only does he not go away when she ignores him, but he does something none of the others have ever done. He speaks. Pagan is fascinated by the soul. What she doesn't realize is that her appointed time to die is drawing near and the wickedly beautiful soul she is falling in love with is not a soul at all.

He is Death and he's about to break all the rules.

I was really, really looking forward to this book. It has everything I love in a paranormal romance despite being told a thousand different times with slight variations. 
Unfortunately this did not meet any of my expectations.
I stopped reading a 161 paged book because it was intolerable. 
I don't want to offend or to just label this as "bad", I want everyone to understand why I think so.
It actually started off really well; interesting protagonist, nice story, good writing- a nice start. 
Then enter the apparent "love interest". He's an asshole. Plain and simple. No, "well, he's actually really nice once there's nobody around", just straight-up asshole. 
Then there's his name. His name is Dank. DANK. WTF kind of name is that? I'm sorry, but come on? You're seriously wanting me to believe this girl is falling in love with an 80's surfer's lingo for something cool? I'm sorry, but that ain't happening. 
Enter love triangle. I hate love triangles on principle: they're dumb and very, very unnecessary. This one was extremely so. She ends up dating a really, really sweet guy but fantasizes about Dank. WHY? He literally has done nothing to get to know you or show any kindness. Why is that attractive? I don't know. He literally GROWLS at her boyfriend when he kisses her. Girl, you do not want that. Stick with normal boy. 
Then there were some little bits of her narration I just couldn't stand. I just couldn't. I knew how this would all end and I was very uninterested in the journey of how they get there. 
Maybe one day I'll finish it and find out that I'm wrong. But for right now, I'm going to leave it where it is and try to forget it. 
Okay, so maybe this was a little harsh, but come on. The people who read these books want a good story AND a good romance, I do not want a half-assed one that was copied from countless other better written ones where the main love interest is actually nice.
Note to all authors: being sarcastic and cold is NOT the same as being an asshole. 
Also: having a reason for being an asshole does NOT excuse being an asshole. 
This has been a PSA, thank you.

Read(ish): January 2015
My rating: 2 stars /  5 stars

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