Thursday, September 17, 2015

Book Review: Free To Fall by Lauren Miller

This is the same author that wrote Parallel. I didn't like this one as much, but still really enjoyed it. I didn't like it as much because it messed me up. Not like the other one where I just didn't fully grasp how the science behind it worked until the end. No, this was a whole "wtf why are they doing that, why am I reading this, why". When you read it you'll understand. It was very 1984 in the concept. Scary about how the things that are supposed to protect/entertain us can be turned against us very quickly. (Everyone panic! The world is ending because of cell phones and social media!!!!!)

Since it did mess with my brain and made me question any app I ever get again, that means it was written very well. Only books that are written well can make you believe the things they are telling you and mess with your brain like that. 
It's a little predictable however. If you've read enough young adult novels (not saying they're all the same, but there is a trend) to figure out what will most likely happen once you read the blurb. I did read it for those exact reasons, though. The execution wasn't as polished as I was hoping for. It was just too fast for me. Girl meets boy, boy challenges girl's thinking, girl realizes that maybe things aren't always what they seem, happily ever after, etc, etc. Yeah. I'm totally okay with that. There was just one part that ruined it. Love interest does something wrong and the narrator is so quick to forgive him. No! Make him work for it and prove that he'll never do it again. Preferably when one of you is dying- that means more angst and I enjoy angst a lot. Sigh. Girls, make your love interest prove to you that they won't mess up again, don't just believe them right away because you "love" them after three days. Maybe that's just me. I don't know.

The ending was pretty good- a little cheesy, but good. It could've laid off the whole "phones and social media will kill you" morale, but it had some good points in there. If she writes another book, I'll probably read it because I like her style of writing. I hope she continues with the sci-fi genre. Who knows.

Read: August 2015
My Rating: 4.5 stars / 5 stars

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