Thursday, April 30, 2015

Book Review: Red Queen by Victoria Avegard

**School started and I ran out of books to review. I'll try to keep up slightly better this time.**
The poverty stricken Reds are commoners, living under the rule of the Silvers, elite warriors with god-like powers.
To Mare Barrow, a 17-year-old Red girl from The Stilts, it looks like nothing will ever change.
Mare finds herself working in the Silver Palace, at the centre of
those she hates the most. She quickly discovers that, despite her red blood, she possesses a deadly power of her own. One that threatens to destroy Silver control.
But power is a dangerous game. And in this world divided by blood, who will win?

So this was pretty hyped up. I didn't really remember what the story was about because it had been awhile before I actually got the book in my hands.
I recommend reading the blurb before you read the book. (Sounds like common sense, I know, but trust me. It'll help.)
It took me a few pages to get used to the setting. I was thinking Game of Thrones when I should have been picturing Hunger Games. It reads like a medieval/fantasy novel but it's sci-fi? Really weird but also really cool.
I loved this new idea on the whole dystopian/rich vs. poor/government vs. the people story that's been going around recently in the literature world. I loved the red blood vs. silver blood with powers. It was interesting and enjoyable to read. That whole aspect of the story was great.
The not-so-great part was the romance. I knew there probably would be romance (which I'm totally fine with) but it felt out of place. Like it was thrown in haphazardly without developing any real relationship. There is a love triangle, which I normally would stop reading the book at that point, but in this one it sort of serves a purpose. Still didn't like it but, whatever. Mare Barrow (the protagonist) fell in love waaay too quickly. I get that you like him but it's not love. Love takes awhile, I don't care if you guys hang out in life or death situations- slow it down. 
The ending was pretty good. Began to see it coming as the book progress but it was a nice plot twist. I think the person who does the big plot twist should have had a different power because it would've made all this much more intense. (Spoilers? I tried to be as vague as possible.) 
I might read the next one if I get around to it, but I won't actively seek it out. 

Read: April 2015
My Rating: 4 stars / 5 stars

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